Beware Of Wolves Press Release

CBM Christian Author Press Release

J. Jai Brown releases, Beware of Wolves : They Are Present Even in the Church, presenting a fast-paced Christian novel that is a fascinating, yet frightening encounter based on the author’s own real-life trauma of becoming trapped as prey by a sociopath, known as the Wolf. 

You may wonder who and where is the Wolf? They are everywhere and even in the Church. Her book gives ammunition and solid red-flag warnings of the characteristics of the Wolf and the traits that are the tell-tale sign for you to RUN – and fast!

However, if you find yourself trapped, her book offers insightful advice and the way out. Her book is a unique work combined with in-depth psychological research with the wisdom of Scripture and Jesus’ own warnings from the Bible that reflect the traits of a true sociopath that encompasses the Wolf’s behavior.

The author readily admits that finding freedom will not be easy and there is a recovery process and time for those that have encountered the thief. Yet, with God’s help all things are possible. For He is the Good Shepherd Who protects His sheep.

With sound doctrine, helpful teachings on restoration of self-esteem, to include a chance of redemption even for the Wolf, this is a must-read for all Christians in and out of the Church. By giving understanding and the definitions of a sociopath by reliable research, the author has written an incredibly valuable book to teach vulnerable sheep to beware of the wolf!
